Books and Authors

For links to the author’s pages click here.

RMK Publications is proud to show off the titles we have had a part in getting successfully published.  Open each title below for more information about the book, the author and a link to where it can be purchased.





Armegeddon’s Angel by Al Diehl

Historical Fiction set in the era of the Cuban Missile Crises



One Last Cowboy Song    by Lynne Sebastian

Western Fiction with a musical romantic twist.




George Leave the Lights On  by Barbara Genovese

A delightful children’s story that teaches the importance of thinking sustainably.





Unused Towels by Fil A. Chavez

Uplifting Memoir and personal insights into the dark recesses of a mind.



Abbey-Ashman:  Two Colonial and Pioneering Families of North American

History and Genealogy

Margaret Abbey-Ashman Shannon


Check Your Financial Privilege   by Alex Gladstein

Insights into the global Bitcoin revolution

Published by BTC Media



Armageddon: My Hollywood Story

A Short story by E. Joe Brown


 A Diversity of Expression

Prose & Poetry Collection of winners from the

2022 SouthWest Writers Annual Contest



The Beagle Blues – by Thelma Giomi

A fun poetry tribute to Beagles



Kidnap Marilyn –  Dr. Alan E. Diehl

Marilyn Monroe Alternative Historical Fiction



Bitcoin is Venice

by Allen Farrington & Sacha Meyers

Published by BTC Media


Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe  by  Gloria Robinson

100 year history of an annual hispanic and native american celebration in the south valley area of Albuquerque, New Mexico



Weather’s Store   By Thelma Giomi

Spiritual Insights and adventure inspired by Native American lore.



Toro: The Naked Bull – Jeffrey Candelaria

Historical Fiction from Post WWII Spain where Bullfighting is a national pastime. Follows the lives, loves and courage of a renowned Bullfighting family.



The Flypaper Witch Murders – Mary Candace Mize
Historical Fiction based on actual events in post WWI Hungary



A Seven Month Contract at Four Thousand a Month -Dennis Kastendiek

Horseplay with his twin sister causes her to fall and break her leg, causing her to lose out on an opportunity to make good money supporting the family as an actress.  Can Johnny fool everyone into thinking he’s her?




The BackPedalers’ Club – Karley Meyers

For the girls and women from whom self-determination has been stolen, and for the people who help them reclaim it.


Sweet Ivy’s Gold – Paula Paul
Action adventure set in the late 1800’s Colorado Gold Country


KiMo Theatre: Fact and Folklore – SouthWest Writers
A history of the KiMo Theatre in Albuquerque – the King of its kind!


Not Without Angelica!   – Loretta Naranjo Lopez     
Children’s Picture Book in English and Spanish



Victory from the Shadows – Montague
Inspiring memoir of a man with vision challenges in mid 1900’s New Mexico



The Church of You  – Karmatheene
A series of letters between a woman and her departed twin discussing life’s challenges


Creating Microclimates for High Desert Gardening  – Kern
How to find and create growing conditions in high desert areas.



Stress is Relative   Memoir of an Air Traffic Controller
One woman’s experience of facing a challenging job after the strike of 1981.


SouthWest Writers 2019 Winners Anthology 
Short stories and poetry – 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.






The Solar Chef  by Solar Ranch
A cookbook and guide to using solar ovens.


When the Mockingbird Won’t Sing – Victoria Murata
A delightful western adventure set in 1833



SouthWest Sage Anthology
A collection of short stories and poetry by SouthWest Writers.



WOMBbhala: A Sacred Destination for All Women – Maiz
One woman’s philosophy of life and love.






Coming Soon!

The following publications are currently in production.

  • Crazy Mad Gardeners
  • Solar Food Dehydration – Momma Rose
  • The 100 Years of Flight Service